• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

X AI, the New AI for Crypto, Announces Its Launch

How Smart Cryptocurrencies Got Smarter: X AI Brings the Power of GPT to Blockchain

X AI, an advanced artificial intelligence model specialized for cryptocurrency and blockchain applications, announces its official launch today. The company unveiled X AI GPT, an AI system based on machine learning and natural language processing that can understand context and generate relevant text for various crypto use cases.

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According to Martin Windward, CEO of X AI, “We are excited to introduce X AI GPT to the blockchain community. This AI model has been trained on massive datasets to gain a deep understanding of cryptocurrencies, DeFi, NFTs, and the metaverse. Developers and businesses can now leverage the power of AI to elevate their crypto products and services.”

X AI GPT is modeled after the GPT-3 language model created by OpenAI. It uses a technique called self-attention to analyze the relationship between words in a sentence or phrase. The AI model identifies patterns and understands the context to produce coherent and meaningful text, even for long-form content. X AI has customized and optimized their GPT model with domain-specific datasets in the cryptocurrency space.

“GPT-3 demonstrated the possibilities of generative AI, but it lacked the crypto-native knowledge and context awareness for blockchain applications,” said Windward. “With X AI GPT, we have built an AI that understands crypto inside and out, so it can generate content that resonates with the blockchain community.”

The company sees many potential use cases for X AI GPT, including AI writers and communicators, smart contract generators, decentralized finance tools, non-fungible token creators, and conversational AI bots for crypto customer support. Developers can access the X AI GPT API and build their own applications on top of the AI model.

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“Crypto is an ideal space for AI to make a impact,” noted Windward. “There are so many opportunities to automate processes, personalize experiences, and gain valuable insights from data. X AI GPT can serve as an AI-powered brain for any crypto product or service.”

About X AI

X AI was founded in 2022 by a team of AI and blockchain experts. The company’s mission is to bring artificial intelligence and machine learning to the decentralized web. X AI GPT is available starting today for anyone interested in leveraging AI technology for cryptocurrency and blockchain applications.

Social Links

Telegram: https://t.me/xai_codes

Twitter: https://twitter.com/xai_codes

Medium: https://medium.com/@XAI_Codes

Github: https://github.com/xaicodes

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Kevin Moore - E-Crypto News Editor

Kevin Moore - E-Crypto News Editor

Kevin Moore is the main author and editor for E-Crypto News.