• Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

SuperDoge is a Charitable MemeCoin…Great Idea!

Many within and outside the cryptourrency space have indicated that Memecoins have no real use. Well, a group of people within the cryptocurrency space decided to create a world-first. Ladies and gentlemen we present SuperDoge!

No, it’s not a plane and neither is it a bird, but SuperDoge is a hero that is doing what heroes do best: changing lives and saving them.

As the world’s first cryptocurrency superhero (a parody of both Superman and Dogecoin) the memecoin has real-life impact in many areas around the world.

From battling substance use to aiding young victims of abuse. SuperDoge is here to save the day!

As all things superhero, the founders of the Memecoin wish to remain anonymous.

We were curious about everything SuperDoge and when the story hit our desk, we decided to run with it faster than a speeding bullet! (pun intended). Here is what they had to say about the project.

SuperDoge! The World’s First Real-Life Cryptocurrency Superhero


E-Crypto News:

Congratulations on your successful launch! What’s next for SuperDoge?

Thank you! Our next large milestones include our whitepaper release, which will be within the next 24 hours. We also have our first writers meeting scheduled this weekend where we will create the SuperDoge origin story, universe, and cast of characters. Once this has been established, we will begin the design process and prepare for the creation of the comic book and animated web series.

We also have an NFT rookie card set and an augmented reality game in the pipeline.

E-Crypto News:

How have memecoins become a standard within the cryptocurrency space?

Memecoins have really taken off this year and I believe this is because of the success of Dogecoin. They are easy to launch and investors seem to enjoy being a part of something new and fun.

E-Crypto News:

Please can you tell us more about the concept behind the SuperDoge memecoin?

SuperDOGE is an entertainment and media-based blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create positive change.

We have successfully created the world’s first crypto superhero and instead of saving lives in a fictional world we have found a way to actually save lives in real life.

E-Crypto News:

Is the SuperDoge project in any way a parody of the Dogecoin project?

Yes, SuperDoge is literally a parody character of both Superman and Doge.

E-Crypto News:

What are your thoughts on the Dogecoin project?

I find it fascinating. It literally has zero use-case and there is one holder with around 50% of the entire supply but no one seems to care. The power of the meme and community outweigh what would traditionally be considered the most absurd investment of all time.

E-Crypto News:

Please can you tell us about the charity aspect of this project?

Every time SuperDoge is traded, 2% of that transaction is sent directly to our charities.

E-Crypto News:

How can memecoins become a force for good?

Memecoins that incorporate a charity aspect or any sort of functionality that impacts society in a positive way is a great thing. This includes Dogecoin and the fact that it is spreading awareness of crypto to the general public.

E-Crypto News:

What are your thoughts on the rapid emergence of new cryptocurrency tokens?

 It is incredible but also very alarming. The barrier to entry has been lowered so much that anyone can launch a coin in an hour or two.The days of needing to find a specialized developer are gone and there are literally platforms where you can simply fill in the blanks.

This will result in a tremendous amount of junk coins hitting the market and only those with a real use case and/or community will survive.


E-Crypto News:

Do you have any plans to keep the SuperDoge project in play for as long as you possibly can?

Our vision is definitely long-term and our goal is to make SuperDoge a global brand. In our future we hope to produce a long-running comic book series, multiple seasons of the animated web series, and we have visions of kids wearing SuperDoge pajamas playing with their SuperDoge action figures.

E-Crypto News:

What is your roadmap for 2021?

In Q3, we plan on developing and releasing our first comic book, which will be dropped in the form of an NFT to our top holders. We will also begin work on the animated web series.
In Q4, we plan on releasing the first episodes of our animated web series. Additionally, we will be working towards creating our own non-profit charity and launching an app to help fight world hunger.

There will be multiple CEX listings along the way as well as NFT drops to our top holders.

E-Crypto News:

Please can you tell us more about the deflationary tendencies of SuperDoge?

There is a 6% tax applied to every transaction.
2% is burned from the total supply, 2% is sent to holders via a weighted distribution system, and 2% is sent directly to our charities.

E-Crypto News:

Please, can you tell us more about the non-profit partnerships you’re currently involved in?

Currently we are working with 3 charities.

Child Enrichment, which is a charity focused on helping foster children in America who have been a victim of neglect or abuse.

Give Here


Clare Matrix, which helps the homeless population with all kinds of issues related to overcoming addiction.


Give Here

Wells Bring Hope, which drills water wells in Niger, the poorest country in the world.


Give here

SuperDoge has generated over $275,000 USD in donations for our charities so far and is making a tremendous impact. I was told 2 days ago that we have funded 17 water wells in Africa which is expected to radically transform the lives of over 17,000 people.

E-Crypto News:

How can the SuperDoge project become the de facto standard for all virtual and crypto superheroes?

Being the first is important but what is more important is being the best.
We are bringing in top-tier talent to help us produce our comic book and animated web series including Emmy nominated Adam Gilad who has written for classic cartoons like X-men, Gargoyles, Mummies Alive, Robocop, and more.

E-Crypto News:

Please can you tell us more about the SuperDoge community governance system?

Every 3 months, our community will vote on which charities they want to include in our donation pool. In the future, we may decide to keep or replace certain charities or even increase the number of charities that we support.

E-Crypto News:

What are your plans for the future?

Our plans are to create a global brand, donate a tremendous amount to charity, and have a lot of fun along the way.

E-Crypto News:

Do you have any plans to list on other public blockchains? Please, can you tell us the reasons for your answer?

At the moment no. We will be sticking to BSC smart chain as the cost per transaction is so low.
We will also be listing on several centralized exchanges and with that we hope to make the buying and selling process easier to accomplish for newer investors.


E-Crypto News:

What are your thoughts on the sudden interest in cryptocurrencies by the mainstream? Do you think this will continue? Please, can you give us the reasons for your answers?

In my opinion, all currencies will be digital in the very near future including government issued ones. As a result, we will see the entire world shift from paper money to digital.
Governments will want to implement digital currencies as it gives them a better way to control and track their citizens.

We are already seeing some banking institutions filing patents and preparing to make this shift.

E-Crypto News:

Do you have any secrets you want to spill? Care to spill the beans?

We are working on an augmented reality project that involves NFT’s for SuperDoge.

E-Crypto News:

If you had three wishes and a Genie that could make them come true, what would they be?

I remember pondering this question when I was a child.
The answer is simple, I would wish for unlimited wishes;)



Kevin Moore - E-Crypto News Editor

Kevin Moore - E-Crypto News Editor

Kevin Moore is the main author and editor for E-Crypto News.